18 Jan
Social Security & Your Retirement
6 PM - 7 PMRegardless of when you plan to retire, Social Security will likely be an important part of the road ahead. But do you know the rules of the road when it comes to Social Security? -
22 Jan
The Scholarship Process: Virtual Seminar
10 AM - 11 AMLearn about how to look and apply for scholarships. Scholarships could save you thousands of dollars in student loans! -
25 Jan
Understanding Medicare
5:30 PM - 6:30 PMPlanning for retirement is never easy and maneuvering through Medicare rules and regulations is one more step in an already confusing process. Join us for a no-cost, no-obligation virtual seminar that can help answer your questions. -
09 Feb
What Makes Up Your Credit Score?
5:30 PM - 6 PMLearn what actions hurt your score, how to improve it, and what actions have no impact on your credit score. This seminar will be presented by Ascentra Credit Union’s Financial Wellness Expert Alvaro Macias. -
09 Feb
Income for Life
6 PM - 7 PMWithout a regular paycheck to count on, achieving a steady stream of retirement income will be an important part of the road ahead. Will Social Security be enough? What about your 401(k)? -
10 Feb
How To Pay for College: Understanding the Financial Aid Process
6 PM - 7 PMDeveloping a payment plan for college typically begins with a FAFSA. Learn how to fill out the application and read your award letter. -
22 Feb
Women & Investing
5:30 PM - 6:30 PMThere’s no denying the facts: Women tend to earn less and live longer than men. If you’re a woman who would like to retire one day, you may need to save more and invest more than men. -
23 Feb
How to Create a Spending Plan
5:30 PM - 6 PMThis seminar assesses your expense and earnings to create a realistic spending plan that really helps with managing your finances. -
08 Mar
Rollover Planning
6 PM - 7 PMWhen retiring or starting a new job, understand the options for your existing retirement savings. -
09 Mar
Identifying and Protecting from Predatory Lending
5:30 PM - 6 PMThis seminar helps you identifying predatory lending practices and the ways they can have a devastating effect on your finances. -
22 Mar
The 3 Transitions to Retirement
6 PM - 7 PMAre you ready to retire? You might be prepared for the financial transition, but you’ll experience lifestyle and emotional transitions as well. We can help you understand these upcoming changes and provide the information you need to better prepare for this exciting season of your life. -
02 Jun
11 Jun
Shred - It Day: Muscatine
10 AM - 12 PMSwing by our branch and let us dispose of your confidential documents for free! -
11 Jun
Shred-It Day - Bettendorf
10 AM - 12 PMSwing by the Waterfront Convention Center and let us dispose of your confidential documents for free! -
18 Jun
Shred-It-Day - Clinton
10 AM - 12 PMSwing by our branch and let us dispose of your confidential documents for free! -
27 Jul
Fundamentals of Estate Planning: An Overview of Wills, Trusts & More
5:30 PM - 6:30 PMTo keep our members and communities safe, our estate planning seminar with First Community Trust will be virtual. Now you can learn how to plan your wills, trusts and more, right from your home. -
12 Oct
Free Retirement Planning Seminar: Understanding Retirement Options
5:30 PM - 6:30 PMJoin us for a free Retirement Planning Seminar presented by First Community Trust on October 12th, 2022. -
10 Nov
Free SPANISH Home Buyers Education Seminar
5:30 PM - 6:30 PMJoin us for our FREE Virtual Home Buyers Education Seminar! This seminar will be presented, in person by Ascentra's Mortgage Experts. -
03 Dec
7th Annual Ugly Christmas Sweater 5K
10 AM - 11 AMOnly one of the best parts of Christmas in LeClaire! -
31 Dec
Noon Year's Eve
9 AM - 12 PMCountdown to 12... NOON, that is! It’s a special New Year’s party for the younger set. Why try to stay awake until midnight, when you can party all day? There will be music, activities, balloons and confetti - lots and lots of confetti.
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