Vehicle Loans

Ascentra Vehicle Loan

Whether your high-mileage ride isn't so reliable or you simply want something different, we can help you get the ride you want. With Ascentra, you will receive the best financing available that offers you a wide-range of low interest rate loans*. Yeah buddy! 

Before you head to the dealership, talk to our team who can help you establish a budget and get you pre-approved, giving you the confidence to be "the negotiator".


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*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rate based on approved credit. Current rate as low as 5.75% APR for 60 months on 2023 or newer vehicle, includes automatic payment rate discount. Rate subject to change. Limited time offer. The first payment will be applied to the interest accrued from the date the loan was funded and then remaining funds to the principal. Example payment: $25,000 auto loan with the term of 60 months and a fixed rate of 5.75% APR would result in a monthly payment of $480.52.

Girl driving car with another girl in the passenger seat

New or Used Cars

With options to finance your car or truck up to 84 months, we help you find the payment option that makes the most sense for you.

If you own your car outright, you can use it as collateral and get the cash you need quickly for consolidation, bills or vacation. 

Vehicle Refinancing  

Already have the vehicle of your dreams and just want a lower interest rate? Refinance your current vehicle with us. You know you want to!

Boats, Motor Homes, Travel Trailers, Recreational Vehicles

With Ascentra, you can borrow smart and start your adventure with a new RV, motorhome, 4-wheeler, UTV, jet ski or boat. On the Pontoon…


Choose your path in a new or used chopper, cruiser or sports bike and get competitive rates and terms that fit your lifestyle. 

Warranties That Will Beat the Dealership

Protect your family's financial future. Protect your investments. We make it easy to plan for the unexpected. Debt protection is available for just pennies a day. For your convenience, insurance and warranty payments can be included in your loan payments.

When getting your auto loan with us, our Loan Experts can help you chose which options work best for you.

  • Mechanical Breakdown Protection (MBP)

    Mechanical Breakdown Protection, also known as an Extended Warranty, is automobile protection that extends beyond the manufacturer's factory warranty and covers repairs of unexpected mechanical breakdowns. For the period of time the contract is in effect, you are assured that covered components of your vehicle will be repaired in the event of failure, including labor, subject to any applicable deductible.

    Features and Benefits:

    • Nationwide Protection
    • 24-Hour Roadside Assistance for the term of your coverage
    • Rental Vehicle Assistance
    • Transferable Coverage if you sell your vehicle before your agreement expires
    Person fixing car
  • Debt Protection

    We’ve designed our Debt Protection program to fit the times we live in today. More than ever, we all worry about things that might happen tomorrow. Debt Protection provides an important sense of financial security – knowing your loan will not become a burden to you in times of hardship.

    Features and Benefits:

    • Disability coverage protects a borrower's credit rating by ensuring the loan will not end up in default in the event of disability. 
    • Protects borrowers and their families from financial hardships as a result of loss of income caused by death, illness or injury.
    • Allows borrowers and families to retain their assets, including the collateral and savings, when an income is interrupted during unfortunate circumstances.
    • No Obligation for 30 Days: If the borrower decides the plan is not what they need, they can cancel it within 30 days without obligation. Rarely does this occur, but borrowers appreciate knowing that they have that option.
    Girl with orange umbrella
  • Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP)

    The GAP Advantage gives you further peace of mind. If the vehicle you are now purchasing ever becomes "totaled," or is stolen and not recovered, GAP Advantage pays an additional $1,000.00 toward the purchase of a replacement vehicle. Not only will you receive the difference between the value of your vehicle and its unpaid loan or lease balance, you also get a head start on financing or leasing a new or used replacement vehicle when you refinance or lease through the same financial institution.

    Other great benefits included in your GAP Advantage:

    • Auto Deductible Reimbursement - This helps offset the cost of your deductible in case of an accident by paying you up to $500 per accident that is considered a collision or comprehensive claim by your primary insurance provider. Coverage is effective upon date of enrollment and will continue for three (3) years.
    • Personal ID Restoration Consulting - This service helps a benefit holder in the case of fraud or identity theft to recover their name and rightful credit history. Call center consultants are ready to aid in form completion and submission to the appropriate parties.
    • Warranty Registration Service - A great convenience service providing access to a website in which the consumer may store all warranty and protection product registration information in a single location. Product examples include appliances and/or electronics.
  • Depreciation Protection Warranty (DPW)

    Depreciation Protection kicks in if your vehicle is ever totaled or stolen and not recovered at anytime over the life of the loan. It waives some or all of your loan balance in the event of the total loss of your vehicle. The waiver benefit is equal to the difference between your vehicle’s MSRP or retail value at the time of DPW purchase, less the amount of your loan balance at the time of total loss. (The benefit cannot exceed the DPW addendum limit or your outstanding loan balance at the time of total loss.)

    Features and Benefits: 

    • Benefit triggered by collision or comprehensive total loss, including theft
    • Life of loan protection
    • No mileage, make or year restrictions
    • Open enrollment
    • 100% refundable for first 60- days
    • Accidental Death protection included, which provides for cancellation of up to $1,000 of your outstanding loan balance if you die in an accident

Vehicle Loan Rates

  • Vehicle Loan

    TermAnnual Percentage Rate as low as
    24-60 months (2023-2025)* 5.25% APR 
    72 months (2022-2025)5.75 - 6.00% APR 
    84 months (2024-2025)6.00% APR
    24-60 months (2021-2022)5.75 - 6.00% APR
    24-48 months (2018-2020)6.25  6.50% APR
    24-48 months (2016-2017)7.00 - 7.25% APR
    24-36 months (2015 or older) 9.50 - 10.00% APR
    Motor Homes, Travel Trailers, Boats 7.75 - 9.25% APR 
    Motorcycle Loans (2016-2025)5.25 - 7.25% APR 
    Motorcycle Loans (2015 or older)9.50 - 10.00% APR

    *APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rate based on approved credit. Current rate as low as 5.25% APR for 60 months on 2023 or newer vehicle, includes automatic payment rate discount. Rate subject to change. Limited time offer. The first payment will be applied to the interest accrued from the date the loan was funded and then remaining funds to the principal. Example payment: $25,000 auto loan with the term of 60 months and a fixed rate of 5.25% APR would result in a monthly payment of $474.75.

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