Credit Card

Coming Soon! New Ascentra Contactless Visa® Credit Cards

The new, tap to pay Visa® Credit cards will include enhanced card management features available within Digital Banking. You get all the same benefits and security you trust and additional benefits you'll love.

We know changes to your credit card affect your day-to-day life. That’s why we will make sure to communicate important dates and any actions needed to ensure a seamless changeover of your credit card(s). Visit our new cards page for more information and to stay up-to-date.





Ascentra Credit Card

With so many benefits, you'll love reading the fine print of the Ascentra Visa® Credit Card! Get the freedom to cover unexpected expenses with awesome perks and a new rewards program, CURewards (coming soon)!

Enjoy payment convenience through our mobile app, secure chip technology, mobile wallet compatibility and so many other features.

  • No Annual Fee
  • No Balance Transfer Fee*
  • No Ridiculously High Rates - Rates as low as 9.88% APR** up to 17.88% APR, based on your creditworthiness.
  • Low Balance Transfer Rate - 2.99% APR introductory rate for the first six months following the transfer.***
  • CardValet - Control your card and monitor transactions

Apply Here


 *Foreign Transaction Fee is 1% of each transaction in U.S. dollars if the transaction involves a currency conversion. 0.8% of each transaction in U.S. dollars if the transaction does not involve a currency conversion.  ** APR = Annual Percentage Rate. ***2.99% APR is an introductory rate for the first 6 months. After that, your APR will be 9.88% to 17.88%, based on your creditworthiness. 

Ascentra Credit Card

Other Features

Instant Cash Advances: Use your card to get quick cash at more than 65,000 automated teller machines (ATMs) and banking outlets around the world - with no transaction fees.

25-Day Grace Period for purchases: Take up to 25 days to repay your balance before incurring a finance charge, providing balance is paid in full.


  • Visa® SRC (Secure Remote Commerce)

    two triangles pointing to the rightSwiping your debit and credit cards is so last year. Now you can click-to-pay with your Visa® card any time you see this icon at an online retailer.

    This makes shopping online easysmart and secure.

    Easy: Simply register your card and click-to-pay at any online retailer that has the symbol above and BOOM! Purchase made.

    Smart: Gone are the days of punching in your 16-digit card number, and filling out form fields to make a purchase. Because when you set up your Visa® Secure, your primary info such as card number, passwords, address, etc. is remembered and automatically inputted, making your transaction that much faster. 

    Secure: With advanced technologies and multiple layers of security, Visa® is among the top safest debit and credit card companies.


    Get Registered
  • Lost or Stolen Visa® Credit/Debit Cards

    If calling during regular business hours, please call us at:

    For Visa® Debit and/or Credit Cards:
    563-355-0152 or 1-800-426-5241

    If calling outside of regular business hours, please call card services at:

    For Visa® Debit Cards: 1-855-563-0405
    For Visa® Credit Cards: 1-855-632-9037

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